Sunday, October 4, 2015

First thoughts of the class

When I first heard the question, “what is globalization for me?” I could only make cultural connections. This is because I grew up moving to different places throughout my life. However, it never occurred to me that the world is intertwined through the economy, media, business, and a variety of other ways. My idea of globalization was a huge oversimplification, mainly about understanding different cultures while being open-minded to those who come from cultures different than my own. But after a week of class and talking in our small groups, I learned there are many parts to globalization. Previously, I had never thought about how globalization could be harmful, I had only thought about the benefits. In our small groups we discussed how people who live in poor countries are being taken advantage of by those in richer countries. Furthermore, another problem that rises from globalization is for those volunteers who try to help underdeveloped countries, but contribute to the problems of that country rather than helping. Also tied to increased globalization is colonization, and then some groups that try to change the lifestyles of those who live in underdeveloped countries, leading to homogenization and decreased interest in diversity. Also, it shocked me to find out that even though people try to do the right thing, be that buy products or donate money to causes that support underdeveloped countries, their efforts can often be in vain.

 Even though there are some negatives aspects of globalization there are also many advantages, such as many more varieties of products, being able to learn more about different cultures, technological advances, and the ability to find employment in a worldwide job market. Since globalization is everywhere, even in the media, it is crazy to think that our celebrities in America are well-known in other countries and I have access to music around the world by simply going on my laptop.

Now, my definition of globalization has expanded by knowing that not only culture is involved, but everything from music to food to different types of companies. Just the interaction between different people is considered globalization. Now I want to learn more about the downfalls of globalization and understand more about groups that are causing more harm through globalization. Finally, I now want watch the news more so I can learn about different issues others are facing and expand my view of our ever-more interconnected world.  

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